Business Owners


The Vision

Your company can make a difference in the life of a single mom and her child(ren) by giving her a good job.  You can be a conduit in stopping generational poverty. The Bridge Network believes intentional hiring is one of the best ways to offer a hand-up instead of a handout. Good jobs provide confidence, higher income, better chance for advancement and ultimately a steppingstone towards moving from welfare to self-sufficiency.  You can be part of making a difference in the life of a mom and her child by offering a good job and the training to do it well.

How it Works

It starts with a single mom that has graduated from a Workforce Development Initiative and ends two years later with a dedicated and good employee.

The Benefits

Learn how amazing this can be for both the new interns hired as well as your company and your employees.  Incredible things begin to happen when you make a decision to practice intentional hiring.

Join the Initiative

Click here if you are interested in talking with someone about becoming a Bridge Network Employer. (right now just put a link to my email.  Eventually we will have an application.