The Benefits for Employers

A Generous Company Culture Is the Greatest Resource You Have

  • Obtaining a good/loyal employee without recruiting efforts or fees
  • Enhancing employee’s skill set and increasing their productivity
  • Implementing changes that lead to an enhanced company culture
  • Using your jobs to change a family for generations
    • As a company stepping into intentional hiring, perhaps for the first time, The Bridge Network will come alongside your company by providing your chosen intern with outside work  mentoring while congruently assisting and consulting with your employee’s supervisor as we work together to grow what we believe will become one of your most loyal employees.

    • The intentional hiring of a Bridge Network Intern not only benefits the intern who has an opportunity to learn job skills and office culture as they work and grow into an excellent employee, but also benefits the company.  The company is able to shift its culture to one that gives back.  Employees then embrace a give back culture, which has proven to increase employee retention and happiness. 

    • Consulting services are also provided for each company hiring a Bridge Network Intern and focus on Cultural Transformation. Cultural Transformation is a shift that can take place throughout an entire organization. TBN desires to assist companies in connecting employees to the heart of the company and its leaders by serving their customers, each other and giving back to their communities.  Employees in organizations that have this type of culture are more reluctant to leave for perceived “greener pastures.” Community involvement efforts also serve as a compelling point when recruiting new employees.  Some components of an employee care and employee volunteer initiative may include: parties with a purpose, serve days, intranet company social media page, benevolent fund, employee savings account and video assistance for story telling.